I remember going to see him play at Electric Lounge in '97 or '98. I was extremely puzzled by how poor the attendance was. He put on a killer show. The MC50 show was a pure joy to attend.

I remember that book signing Tim! I could tell how very happy you were. Good work Tim.

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That was the tour I was writing about, Scott. Yes, it was bizarre. Two years before, Electric Lounge was crammed! Now, it was crickets! And it was like that at all the shows across Texas! Thank you for testifying, Brother Scott.

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Yay! I was looking forward to reading your thoughts on Brother Wayne to complement mine: https://cjmarsicano.substack.com/p/brother-wayne-kramer-has-rambled.

As usual, Brother Tim, you did fantastic work. I hope mine measures up somewhat to yours.

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You did fine work, CJ. Thank you.

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Well said - he done kicked them out. Not surprised that you were friends

And here are my thoughts on a great loss https://onlyrockandroll.london/2024/02/03/brother-wayne-rip/

It is not often my two worlds (rock'n'roll and sustainable food) collide but afrer WK died I discovered the Dr Bronner family ( https://www.drbronner.com/) had helped fund Jail Guitar Doors


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Not only would there be no punk rock, there would be no metal.

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I choose to blame others for that! But hey, to each their own, huh?

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Just wanted to emphasize how important the MC5 were. Yes, to each their own.

I really enjoyed your post. So much so, I saved it for future reference.

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Yeah, but I don't see them as having a Goddamned thing to do with anything as moronic as heavy metal, and would prefer we drop the subject, thank you. Glad you liked my piece, nevertheless.

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