Beautifully said, my friend. Kindness costs you absolutely nothing, and it’s one of the best gifts you can give to the world - and to yourself! ✊🏼❤️

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Absolutely! And it drives these people nuts! Lol!

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Heck yeah! I’m seeing a punk “Bless Your Heart” song coming from you. I am so happy to hear it’s helping you cope. I’m just exhausted and drained from it all. 11 days to go man..

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Ugh - I did telephone surveys for a hot minute back in 1990.

Favorite moments:

The "jeans survey" where I had to ask questions about a randomly selected brand name and had to ask a guy to rate the statement "Jordache jeans make me feel like a cowboy."

The "burger survey" in which a lady spent 45 minutes explaining in excruciating detail how she beat Wendy's "2-item limit" and filled her freezer with $1 burgers to stretch her Social Security checks.

The "beer survey" in which one young man told me a) he was 21, b) had been drinking for 7 years, and 3) consumed an average of 92 beverages per week.

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Sounds like we could trade some war stories!

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Believe me, I find myself as a Yankee having to bless hearts at my day job lately. Especially with one jabroni who out of the blue and unsolicited, "insisted" that "Trump was the way to go", and with one asshole who keeps trying to pitch me into joining a cover band that sounded just as bad as the one I walked out on eleven years ago.

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Well done. I have a "reminders" list tattooed on my right arm. At the top is "be kind." I decided to go for that instead of my first choice, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke," and ultimately I'm glad I did.

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