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Kick out the jams, motherfucker! :-)

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Great read!

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Thanks, Joe. You rule.

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Great piece. Funny, I just started plowing through Psychotic Reactions & Carburetor Dung again. Loved that guy.

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I read Let It Blurt years ago. I again bought it about a year ago forgetting about my 1st copy. One of my favorite stories is the night he did a Live concert review of J. Geils Band. He even brought his Smith-Corona typewriter on stage at one point.

They definitely broke the mold on Bangs!

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Lester Bangs, truly a legend

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Tim, thanks for the remembrance. I read his Village Voice pieces in the late 70s and still have "Psychedelic Reactions and Carburetor Dung" on my bookshelf. I remember when he formed his band VOM saying it was time to "be the product" instead of just reviewing the product. I miss his take on all the music that has followed his passing. "What would Lester think about that?"

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Thank you. I do have to correct you on one point, however: VOM was Richard Meltzer's band, not Lester's. Lester did have bands, but VOM was not one of them. I appreciate you reading and commenting. Please drop by anytime. :-)

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Thanks Tim. You are correct. I read R. Meltzer in the Voice as well and mixed them up. It was almost 50 years ago. Senior moment or maybe the fog of the 1970s!

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Yeah, he was a legend all right. Where are his successors, tho'?

He'd tell you himself that, just like the bands he wrote about, what he was doing was 95% attitude and being around; no special gift required.

There's writers like him out there; who's gonna bring them where they can be read like he was?

Where they can change lives, like he changed yours?

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You come to my Substack, months after this ran, and ask "where can they be read?" Do you understand how insulting you are?

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Hey, it only just showed up on my feed. That's part of the problem. You got 9,655 guys writing re-assessments of Dylan, Beatles, Beach Boys, whatever; and they land everywhere, but the guys writing about today's music, today? Can't get no space. Even search won't always bring 'em up.

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God bless Lester Bangs! Highly recommend the DeRogatis bio "Let It Blurt".

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Thanks, enjoying the playlist right now. (Well, not Metal Machine Music)

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