The King. No other. And no other even comes close to the cause and effect he had on popular culture.

There really wouldn’t have been a Beatle or a Rolling Stone, let alone a Dylan, without him, which would have meant no Bowie or Pistols, either.

And even in black music, it’s difficult to see how the line from jazz, and earlier still, Africa, could have arrived at Motown, Hendrix, Aretha, Prince, and Marley, without the genre crossing and viral cross contamination that Elvis induced in the world.

As I said, the King.

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I heard that Elvis got to hang out at Sun Studios because his mom had a good supply of meth? It was a common thing back then. The Rolling Stones called it "Mother's Little Helper," if you remember.

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LOL! Yeah, according to Charlie Feathers, who also claimed to reporters that Elvis was actually half-black! LOL! No, considering the actual origin story, and the months of work that went into releasing Presley records on Sun, that tale's apocryphal. All the guys he supposedly would've been supplying with pills didn't come onto the scene until AFTER he created a demand for these rockin' hillbillies. And he would've discovered uppers on the road, on those early tours, along with the guys following in his wake. Gladys Presley only got a prescription for what got called "bop pills" after Elvis became a success, and she felt she was too overweight to be a rock 'n' roll star's mother. And Elvis had his own supply, by then. But that Elvis-raiding-Gladys'-medicine-cabinet yarn is merely a funny-but-fictional story, which Charlie Feathers told The Cramps, and they then spread around.

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Thanks for clearing that up! I always wondered about that.

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