13 days later. 13 grueling, exhausting days later. I have finally licked COVID-19.
Tried to come back last week, while I was still ill. That Heartbreakers review was all I could manage, though I was feeling better. But yeah, 500 words per day, then utter depletion, was all I could do. So I gave up, went back to bingeing New Amsterdam, and worried about my friends in Austin who went without power during and past last week’s insane freeze.
I got tired easily, though I felt better. Then the brain fog kicked in. But today, I have tested negative. I have never been more glad to have been called “negative” in my life.
To celebrate, I am making a special offer, good until Wednesday: Get a 12 month subscription (normally $90) to The Tim “Napalm” Stegall Substack for $27! I wanted to do six months for $13 - one dollar for every day I had COVID. But Substack only allows monthly or yearly subscriptions. So I decided to offer a yearly subscription for $13x2. But Substack only sets discounts by a percentage, and the math just wasn’t working out!
So for the next two days only, get 70% off a 12 month subscription (normally $90) to The Tim “Napalm” Stegall Substack by clicking this link here. This offer is good until Feb. 8th, 2023. So please take advantage while the offer is hot!
Good to be back. Got Iggy Pop’s new album to review tomorrow, plus lots more rock ‘n’ roll and punk rock for ya through the week. Stay tuned!